2008年9月28日 星期日

Al-Aqsa Intifada Begins (2000) 9/28

Palestinians consider the al-Aqsa Intifada a war of national liberation against foreign occupation, whereas Israelis consider it a terrorist campaign. Begun in 2000 and never officially ended, the intifada has also been called the "Oslo War" by those who consider the violence a result of concessions made by Israel following the Oslo Accords, as well as "Arafat's War," after the late Palestinian leader whom many Israelis blame for starting it. What was the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit of 2005?

譯文如下 :
巴勒斯坦人把al-Aqsa暴動當作是對抗外族佔領的國家自由之戰,以色列人卻把它視為恐怖份子活動。從2000年開始並從未正式結束,這場暴動也已經被人稱做"Oslo War",因為他們認為這是由於以色列遵循Oslo條款讓步所造成的結果,就跟""Arafat's War"一樣,由於新上任的巴勒斯坦領導人開始了這場戰爭而被許多以色列人譴責。2005年的Sharm el-Sheikh高峰會是甚麼樣的會議



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